About James (詹姆斯)

James Foster - a short history

James has always had two great passions – Technology and Learning. Since the Commodore Vic20 and ZX Spectrum appeared, he has played on, programmed, and later supported and taught many people about the use of computers as a tool and was both an MCSE and CCNA before leaving England.

Soon after arriving in China, in 2005, he began teaching and exploring the world of International Education and the IELTS Exam.  Seeing the need for quality education in this area, he began in earnest to pool together IELTS information on a website that students could access for free and also help students apply for places at UK Universities.

James Foster
James Foster EXAMINCERT - Redacted

In December 2012, he decided that he wanted to become an IELTS Examiner, so obtained a CELTA in June 2013 and started teaching IELTS full-time at a Beijing university.  A year and a bit later (as required by the British Council), some training and the Examiner test, he became a certified IELTS examiner having already obtained experience Clerical Marking for the IELTS Listening and Reading Exams.

Over the next few years he was approached by a number of organisations to help with their IELTS programs, as a designer, teacher, author and all round expert.  One of these organisations was New Channel and he began a fruitful relationship with their teaching and authoring departments publishing the New Channel Sample Answers to the Cambridge IELTS books from 11 to his latest, 18, that was published at the end of 2023.

Also, last year, as lead author he with New Channel, published the new 9 Fen Da Ren IELTS Speaking(his second) and Writing(his first) books that came out in July and November 2023, respectively.

James Foster IELTS Books
BSHLMSTT Front Page - Chinese

In parallel to this, he had continued to develop his IELTS information website and began converting it from a simple information source to a full Learning Management System (LMS) that includes the original site but adds an LMOOC based on the Moodle platform – EDUZMS.

BSH, as EDUZMS’s Mainland China partner, have full and licensed access, to all of the IELTS courses and the information website.  We have added some of our own courses to the new BSH LMS so we can help and support our customers with all their IELTS needs.

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